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2.inform us/please/at once/so that/of your telex number/we will/reply to/be able to/your query

答:2.Please inform us of your telex number so that we will be able to reply to your query at once

4.of/a  travel  agency/the/Marketing  Manager/specializing  in  holidays/pleased to/would be/hear of/in airfares/a reduction

答:4.The Marketing Manager of a travel agency specializing in holidays would be pleased to hear of a reduction in airfares.

6.coming  from/the  computers/inferior to/the  Far  East/those  manufactured/are not/in Europe

答:6.The computers coming from the Far East are not inferior to those manufactured in Europe.

8.are not/you/a license/allowed/electronic equipment/to import/without

答:8.You are not allowed to import electronic equipment without a license.

10.a number of/have been/smoking/received from/requests/employees/in offices/asking that/be banned

答:10.A number of requests have been received from employees asking that smoking be banned in offices


1. we / you will find / feel sure / perfectly / our goods / your requirement / suited to

答:1. We feel sure you will find our goods perfectly suited to your requirement.

 4. more automobiles / produces / than / car manufacturer / in the United States / any other / General Motors

答:4. General Motors produces more automobiles than any other car manufacturer in the United States.

4.quite / our trading partners / are / our views / not / similar to / of / those

答:4.Our views are not quite similar to these of our trading partners. 5.at / the year /was reorganized / of / the Personnel Department / the beginning

答:5.The Personnel Department was reorganized at the beginning of the year.

7.there / in particular areas / some industries / has always been / to concentrate / for / a tendency

答:7.There has always been a tendency for some industries to concentrate in particular areas.

9.and / please / transport arrangements / confirm / give / details of / your attendance

答:9.Please confirm your attendance and give details of transport arrangements.


2. how well / are eager to / is performing / find out / the sales representatives / the promotion team

答:2. The sales representatives are eager to find out how well the promotion team is performing.

4. import tax / permits goods / with little or no / to enter this country / the open-door policy

答:4. The open-door policy permits goods to enter this country with little or no import tax.

答:6. The world needs international economic bodies like the WTO to regulate the economic and trade development.

8. have been employed / in an effort / different methods / the energy

problem / by different countries / to solve

答:8. Different methods have been employed by different countries in an effort to solve the energy problem.

10. during a given time period / the imports / of a specified commodity / or exports / a quota limits

答:10. A quota limits the imports or exports of a specified commodity during a given time period.

标签: 浙江自考 浙江自考模拟 浙江自考真题 浙江自考练习题 浙江自考网
URL: http://m.zj.zikaoguo.com/article/2455



